How to Reset Kiosk

The Kiosk can be reset from the Kiosk application or the device it's installed on, both options are outlined below.

Reset from the Kiosk application

Open Entegy Kiosk, go to Utilities > Options


The Application Menu will appear first > you need to select Options


 Options Menu

“Restore Factory Settings” button will remove the Resource directory that stores kiosk ids and config files.

“Re-Install Application” button will remove the Resource directory then reinstall the latest version.


Reset from device

You need to remove the directories that contain the kiosk application, log and config files.

Note: you will need to enable “Show hidden files, folders and drives” from file explorer to view some of these directories.

  1. Open file explorer
  2. Click the “View” tab in the file explorer toolbar
  3. Click the “Options” button within the ribbon. This will open a new window “Folder Options”
  4. Click the “View” tab within the toolbar.
  5. Within the “Advanced Settings” find the “Hidden files and folders” section.
  6. Click the radio button “Show hidden files, folders and drive”.
  7. Click “Apply” on the bottom of the window, then exit.

Delete these file paths -

  • Log files - C:\ProgramData\EntegyLogData
  • Application files - C:\Program Files (x86)\EntegyServices
  • Uninstall files - C:\Program Files (x86)\EntegyUnstall. Note there may be some undisposed empty legacy directories within C:\Program Files (x86)\ [i.e. EntegyKiosk] that can also be disposed of.
  • Config file - C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\EntegyKiosk

Note: Accept the Administrative privileges prompts to remove the directories.