Portal Glossary

Portal: A container app housing multiple apps.

Portal Project: A project type in the Core (CMS) specifically for building and managing portals.

Tile Entry: A portal where attendees can access any project added to the portal using image tiles linked to relevant projects.

Code Entry: A portal where attendees can access any project added to the portal using the project's unique event code

Portal Tile: An image that, when clicked, directs an attendee to a linked project from within a portal. Portal tiles typically contain information about the linked project (e.g. event name, date, location etc.).

Tap to Start image: An image that sits on top of the Phone/Tablet Background/Splash. This is a static image that, when clicked, will direct an attendee to the 'Enter Code' screen. This image will often have some kind of call to action (e.g. Tap to enter event code).

Publish Changes: Some changes made to the portal can be published directly without requiring an app resubmission to the stores.

Store Listing: A standalone app or portal that can be downloaded from both the Apple App and Google Play stores. The app is listed with screenshots and related app details (e.g about the app, icon title etc.). This is a requirement for standalone and portal apps.

Store Listing Details: App or portal details that are submitted with the app. These details can include App Store Title, Icon Title, App Description, Android and iOS App Icons etc.

Store Submission: The process of sending an app/portal to the Apple App or Google Play stores to be listed and downloadable.

Build: The version of an app/portal that will be submitted to the Apple App and Google Play stores. This version of the app has been optimised for the Store Submission process.

Store Account: An Apple App and/or Google Play Developer program account that will be used to submit an App/build.

Apple ID: An Apple account which is used to register for the Apple Developer Program.

Apple Developer Program: The recurring subscription-based service which allows for apps/portals and Store Listing details to be submitted to the Apple App Store.

App Store Connect: Used to manage, compile and distribute apps to the Apple app store. Formerly split into the Apple Developer Centre and App Store Connect, is now one comprehensive platform.

Google Account: A Google account which is used to register for the Google Developer Program.

Google Play Developer Program: The service which allows for apps/portals and Store Listing details to be submitted to the Google Play Store.

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