Entegy CMS FAQs

Table of contents:

  1. What password restrictions do I have for my Entegy CMS login?
  2. How to copy content from one app project to another?
  3. How do I import data and content from another project?
  4. Where do I find my event access code?
  5. What languages are supported in the Entegy CMS?
  6. What internet browsers support the Entegy CMS?


FAQ: What password restrictions do I have for my Entegy CMS login?

A: When creating or resetting your password for the CMS, you will be required to meet the following criteria:

Passwords require 3 of the following:

  • Lower Case (a-z)
  • Upper Case (A-Z)
  • Digit (0-9)
  • Symbol (@#$%^&*()=_-...)


FAQ: How to copy content from one app project to another?

A: To export specific content such as a speaker, sponsor, exhibitor or a profile, you can import the list as an excel spreadsheet and then import into another project.

To duplicate a project, make sure you’re in a new project with no existing content. Now, within "Content", you will have the option to “Import Content from Project” in the panel on the right-hand side.

Select what project you want to import content from and any other content you would like.


FAQ: How do I import data and content from another project?

A: The Entegy CMS allows you to import data into a brand new or empty project from another project.

There are two ways to import data. From your Dashboard > Content Setup Wizard or from Content. You will only see the option (import content from project) if the project is empty, and you are the admin for the project.

Select ‘import’ from Dashboard Content Setup Wizard


Select 'import content from project’ from Content

From the import page, select the project you wish to import. Only projects you are a admin for will be selectable.



FAQ: Where do I find my event access code?

A: You can find your access code under "Dashboard" within the Project Information box. 

If you don't have an access code, click on "Project Settings" and scroll down to the bottom to "Access Code". From here you can set the code.



FAQ: What languages are supported in the Entegy CMS?

A: Currently, English (UK) is the only language supported in the Entegy CMS and throughout the Entegy Suite.


FAQ: What internet browsers support the Entegy CMS?

A: The CMS can be accessed through a variety of web browsers. The following browsers support the Entegy CMS:

Internet Explorer - 11 or newer

Chrome - 42 or newer

Firefox - 38 or newer

Safari - 6 or newer

Edge - 12 or newer