Table of contents:
- Overview
- Formatting copy
- Adding contact links
- Adding links to external content
- Adding internal page links
- Adding inline images
- Adding map links
- Advanced text functionality
Formatting Pages Overview
Formatting content pages can be used to create hierarchy amongst headings, organise copy and draw attention to important information.
The Copy field uses a toolbar to simplify the editing process. Each icon in the menu serves a different function.
Formatting Copy
Formatting is per line and can only be applied exclusively. For example, the text may be bold but not bold italic
Create bold text: place the cursor at the start of the line you would like to make bold and click the above icon. This will insert the characters =b=
Create italicized text: place the cursor at the start of the line you would like to make italics and click the above icon. This will insert the characters =i=
Add a heading: place the cursor at the start of the line you would like to display as a heading and click one of the above icons. This will insert the characters =1= to =5=
H1 & H5 are the largest, H2, 3 & 4 are the same size, however, 3 & 4 are a light grey, H4 is centered and H5 is in a coloured box.
Insert a quote: place the cursor at the start of the line you would like to make a quote and click the above icon. This will insert the characters =q=
This will display the following text inside a centered and highlighted box. This is intended to give some prominence to a quote or tag line that you wish to add to your page.
Insert bulleted items: Clicking the above icons will either insert the character * which will display the following text in dot point form or insert the characters *#* which will display the text in numerical points. This is intended to list key points of information or to list an order.
Insert a line break: place the cursor at the start of the line you would like to add a line separator and click the above icon. This will insert the characters ----
Adding contact links
The Contact link allows you to directly link an email or contact number within the body copy in the app. Clicking on the link opens up either a new email with their email attached or start calling the supplied number.
To add a Contact link
- Click the phone icon from the copy menu bar
- Input a Title (e.g. 1300 111 111 or
- Select a relevant icon
- Select Contact Detail Type
- Email: when clicked, will open a new email with the email address attached.
- Phone: when clicked, will start calling the supplied number.
- Input the contact detail
- Click Insert
Adding links to external content
To create a link to external content hosted outside of your app go to the Content section in the CMS. Select the page you wish to add a hyperlink. Once the edit screen is open click the below icon.
To add a link to External Content
- Click the globe icon from the copy menu bar
- Input a Title
- Select a relevant icon
- Select the type of external content
- Website, Opens in the Application: Opens a website inside the event app. This will allow attendees easy access back to the event app. The URL field needs the full internet address of your file, video or webpage. Note: This option is NOT recommended to media-rich websites.
- Website, Opens in the device's browser (Chrome/Safari): Opens a website in the device's native browser. This will push the attendees into their native browser, away from the event app. The URL field needs the full internet address of your file, video or webpage.
- PDF File: Will open a PDF file. Will prompt the attendee to either 'View' or 'Email' the PDF to themselves.
- Self-Hosted Video: Videos will play within the app’s embedded player. Supported file formats include .mp4 and .mov. Playback will depend on what the user’s device supports.
- YouTube Video: If you are adding a link to a YouTube video this will normally load from your app into the YouTube app if installed on the mobile device, otherwise it will load in the user’s browser. The URL needs to include the full information pointing to the video (the v= and following code) but does not need any other code that may follow an & symbol.
- Click Insert
Adding internal page links
Internal page links allow you to directly link to other pages within the app from within the body copy.
Internal page links can be styled - this determines how the link will look - Please note not all page types support each of the Display Styles available. Eg: Heading/Subheading display style is only for linking to a page housed within a container page.
To add an internal page link
- Click the paperclip icon from the copy menu bar
- Select Display Style from the drop-down menu
- Input a Title
- Select a relevant icon
- Select an internal page to link to
- Click Select Target
- Select Content or Features
- Click + Expand
- Select the container or sub-page you wish to link
- Click Insert
Adding inline images
Images can be added into your app. These can be various sizes and alignments in the app.
Images are per line and can never display beside each other. If you require images to display side-by-side, please upload an image that contains both.
To add an inline image
- Click the image icon from the copy menu bar
- Select alignment:
- Left: Image will display directly hugging the left side of the app - no padding.
- Centre: Image will display in the centre. Padding may display depending on the width percentage chosen (e.g. 25% width will leave space either side, however 100% width will hug both sides of the app with no padding).
- Right: Image will display directly hugging the right side of the app - no padding.
- Padding Left: Image will display on the left side with a small amount of padding on the left side.
- Padding Right: Image will display on the right side with a small amount of padding on the right side.
- Padding Both: Image will display in the centre. Padding will display regardless of width percentage chosen (e.g. 25% width will leave space either side, and 100% width will display a small amount of padding either side of the image.
- Select Width Percentage
- Attach image file
- Click Upload
Adding map links
The map link allows you to directly link to a set location within the body copy. Map Links can be set to either display a location on a device's native mapping software (e.g. Apple or Google Maps), or direct a user from their current location to the chosen location.
To create a map link
- Click the pin drop icon from the copy menu bar
- Input a Title (e.g. 'Direct Me', 'Brisbane Entertainment Centre' etc.)
- Select a relevant icon
- Select the type of link
- Show directs to point on map: Will open the device's native mapping software and direct the attendee from their current location to the chosen location.
- Show point on map: Will open the device's native mapping software and show the chosen location on the app.
- Input address
- Click Locate Address
- Click Insert
Create a link for each option (e.g. 'Show on Map' and 'Direct Me').
Advanced text functionality
Several advanced text options exist within the CMS which allows you to format text beyond the controls in the toolbar. These can be entered by using the following shortcodes at the start of each line.
Advanced bullet point
*X* - The x character becomes the symbol of the bullet point. For example
*1*Text here becomes 1 Text here
More than 10 bullet points
*#* - For more than 10 bullet points