Table of contents:
- What is a Page Redirect?
- What is page nesting?
- What are the most commonly used page types?
- What is the highlight colour, and where can I find it in the app?
- My photo is rotated when uploaded
- What is the size limit for uploading content?
- What are the CMS image requirements?
- What are container pages?
- What is the best way to display abstracts and posters in-app?
- How do I create a floor plans page?
- How do I create rooms?
- What are Marker X and Marker Y?
- What is a Sorting Name?
- What is the "YouTube Video ID"?
- Tips for good looking copy
What is a Page Redirect?
Page Redirects allow attendees to be automatically redirected from one page to another upon opening a page. A common use for these redirects is to create sub-menus using container pages (especially Blank Groups) that link to other container pages or specialty pages (e.g. Weather page type), know as Page Nesting.
What is page nesting?
Page nesting allows content pages to be housed inside one another using page redirects. This helps to group content in the app through sub-menus and options, and minimise the number of icons required on the app main menu.
For example, a Blank Group (container page) can be used as a sub-menu to display local Brisbane information. From the Blank Group, page redirects can be used to display various information for each area of Brisbane.
What are the most commonly used page types?
There are many page types in the Core (CMS). Most page types are versatile and can be used to house different types of content.
The most commonly used page types include:
- Schedule
- Speakers
- Sponsors
- Exhibitors
- Abstracts
- External Content
- Social Media
- Floor Plans
- Blank Group
- About
- Weather
What is the highlight colour, and where can I find it in the app?
The highlight colour is primarily part of the Content design and is used to highlight features in-app such as notes, bookmarks and heading styles. However, this colour is also used throughout the Suite to highlight features.
TIP: As this colour is used in so many places, it is recommended to ensure this colour is bright and readable. Black, other dark colours (navy blue etc.) and white will create visibility and app usage issues. Remember to test your colours in-app prior to the event.
Below is a list of where the highlight colour is used throughout the Suite.
Highlight features in-app
- Content
- Bookmarks
- Notes
- Comments
- Heading styles
- Sessions
- Bookmarks
- Notes
- Comments
- Show on Map / Room Location
- Submission Forms
- Text colour for Header Text
- Selected Response (e.g. Yes or No, Star Rating)
- Text colour for short and long text fields
In-app colours for Interactive Sessions
- Heading colours on Interactive Sessions page
- Audience Polling question and selected answer
- Submit answer button
Interactive Sessions Display Screen Colours (unless set to custom)
- Background colour for questions and comments on the display screen
- Header bar colour
- Upvote colour
Lead Capture colours
- Part of the Lead Capture app colour theme
- Used for text, buttons etc.
- Qualifying Questions responses
My photo is rotated when uploaded
The Core supports images with the following orientation: Horizontal (normal). It doesn't support rotated image tags (EXIF).
Ensure your photos are correctly oriented before uploading.
What is the size limit for uploading content?
The file size limit for uploading content in the Core is 20MB.
If you are uploading a file 20MB of less that is taking longer than 20 minutes to upload it will timeout.
What are the CMS image requirements?
Images can be uploaded to the Core to display in the event App. These images have different size specifications, as listed below. All images can be loaded as either a PNG or JPEG image file type and recommended to have 72 dpi.
Speakers - 405 x 405px
Speaker headshots can be added to speaker profiles. These images appear on the speaker's page in the App, as well as in the schedule when a speaker is attached.
Sponsor / Exhibitor - 750 x 405px
Sponsor and exhibitor logos can be added to the sponsor and exhibitor profiles. These logos will appear on the sponsor or exhibitor page in the App.
Schedule Session Icon - 150 x 150px
Schedule session icons are used to draw attention to a session, keynote or specific speakers. These can either be added per session or as a default icon to be used throughout the schedule.
Page Header - 750 x 405px
Page headers can either be uploaded per page or set as a generic header, which is used throughout the App unless a page header is set on the individual page level.
Page Banner - 720 x 100px
Page banners can be created to draw an attendees attention to something in the App (e.g. feedback form or special event) or can be used as a sponsorship opportunity. Banners can be set as Global and appear throughout the App, Main Menu to only show on the App Main Menu, or set individually per page in the App.
Floorplan - Up to 2048 x 2048px
Floorplan images can be uploaded to help attendees navigate around the venue. They can also be uploaded to show which exhibitor is located where.
Interactive Sessions Holding Screen - 1920 x 1080px
The interactive sessions holding screen is used during the session when the screen is not showing a question, answer or message.
Core Icon - 256 x 256px
The Core icon is used to visually distinguish one project from another in the Core. It is also used to represent the event in the Capture App.
What are container pages?
There are a series of container pages in the Core that house a group of content pages. When creating a content page in the Core, some page types will automatically create a container page and additional sub-pages will need to be created within it. For example, an exhibitor page type will house a list of exhibitor subpages.
What is the best way to display abstracts and posters in-app?
The abstract page type will display in-app as a list of all abstracts and posters, displaying the Title and Subtitle. These pages can be ordered in the Core to display in the order required (numerical, alphabetical etc.), and searchable by keywords in-app.
When viewing an abstract in-app, any content created for this page will display in the following order:
- Linked speakers/authors
- Linked sessions
- Linked session segments
- Abstract Copy
- Any uploaded documents and PDFs
Note: Superscript not supported. If needed, link to PDF instead
Depending on how your abstracts and posters are stored/saved, choose from the following display options:
Plain text abstract / poster listing
Abstract text can be copied directly into the Abstract Copy box. This may require some formatting to ensure any spacing is correct.
Linking abstract / poster listing from external source
If your abstract or poster is stored on an external server or website, this can be linked as an icon in the Abstract Copy. This will appear as a small icon with text of your choice encouraging an attendee to click and be taken directly to the abstract or poster.
Linking abstract / poster listing from external source with additional copy
If your abstract or poster is stored on an external server or website, this can be linked as an icon in the Abstract Copy. Additional copy/text can be added to either accompany or enhance the abstract/poster being linked to. E.g. a snippet of the abstract, or the whole abstract.
Linking abstract / poster listing file
PDF files can be loaded into each abstract or poster listing to be included below the copy section. This will appear as a small icon with text of your choice encouraging an attendee to click and be taken directly to the abstract or poster. The PDF may open in a separate app. TIP: This is a very time-consuming method and is not recommended for large amounts of abstracts.
Linking abstract file / poster listing with additional copy
PDF files can be loaded into each abstract or poster listing to be included below the copy section. Additional copy can be added to display above this linked file. The PDF may open in a separate app. Additional copy/text can be added to either accompany or enhance the abstract/poster being linked to. E.g. a snippet of the abstract, or the whole abstract.
How do I create a floor plans page?
Floor plan images for venues, exhibition halls and general precinct maps can be uploaded and displayed in the app using a floorplans page.
The floor plans page is a container page that can be used to house multiple event floorplans and maps.
Once uploaded, room locations can also be mapped onto the floorplan. Mapped rooms can then be linked to schedule sessions to aid in attendee navigation around the event.
Please note: Uploaded floor plans can be used in conjunction with the ‘Map Exhibitors’ feature on the exhibitor's page type.
To create a floor plans page
- Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
- Click Create a New Page from the right-hand options
- Select Floor Plans from the list of page types
- Click Create
- Enter a Title for your Floor plans content page type (your floor plans container page)
- Click Save
Add floor plans to container page
- Click +
- Enter a Title (i.e Level 1)
- Click Save
To upload a floor plan image
- Click the Details tab
- Navigate to Floor Plan Image and click +
- Upload Image
- Click Save
How do I create rooms?
Please note: a floor plans page will need to be created before rooms can be created.
Rooms can be created to link to sessions in your schedule. These can make attendee navigation easier around the venue.
When linked to the schedule, the room title will be visible in the schedule session listing and session page.
To create rooms
- Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
- Select your floor plans content page type
- Select the floor plan from the list
- Click Add a Room
- Enter a Title
- Click Save
What are Marker X and Marker Y?
Marker X and Marker Y are used on page types that support floor plan mapping. This included Rooms and Exhibitor page types.
Marker X and Marker Y are a numeric field used to mark the X and Y coordinates of the exhibitor or room on the floor plan. These will populate automatically once the exhibitors or rooms are mapped onto the floorplan.
What is a Sorting Name?
A sorting name is used exclusively for a Speakers page type. This text field allows speakers in the list to be sorted in alphabetical order by whatever is in this field. For example, you could use speakers last name to order the list in alpha order by last name. E.g. if the speaker’s name is 'Dr Gordon Wardell Ph.D' - use 'Wardell' for sorting.
A sorting name does not display in the app and is only used as a sorting tool.
What is the "YouTube Video ID"?
The 'YouTube Video ID" is the text that comes after the = symbol in the video's link.
For example, the text highlighted is the video ID.
FAQ: Tips for good looking copy
A: Formatting is per line and can only be applied exclusively, so it is important to consider a style that is going to work for your pages and type of App.
Bolding and headings
Use bolded text and heading styles to draw attention to important information and help break up a large string of copy. Using heading styles can be a great way to break up different bits of information on one page.
Bolding text can be done by adding =b= to the beginning of the line/paragraph you wish to make bold.
To add a heading to your copy, add one of the following to the beginning of the line/paragraph you wish to add a heading to:
Heading 1 is the largest of the headings. This heading style will use the highlight colour.
Heading 2 is smaller than Heading 1, but still larger than plain copy text. This heading style will use the highlight colour.
Heading 3 is the same size as Heading 2, but is light grey in colour
Heading 4 is the same size as Heading 2 & 3, and is light grey in colour. This heading style is centred rather than left-aligned.
Heading 5 is in a coloured box using the highlight colour. This heading style is a great visual way to break up large bodies of copy.
Internal page links allow you to directly link to other pages within the app from within the body copy.
Links can be created to link directly to external content hosted outside of your App. This could be a website, web-hosted abstract, YouTube video etc.
The Map link allows you to directly link to a set location within the body copy. These Map links can be used to show an attendee on the map, or direct them to the set location from their current location.
The Contact link allows you to directly link an email or contact number from within the body copy. Clicking on the link opens up either a new email with the email attached or start calling the supplied number.