Schedule Builder FAQs

Table of contents:

  1. What are some quick tips to enhance my schedules appearance?
  2. How can I map rooms on a floor plan? (advanced / optional)
  3. Can I attach a document to a session?


FAQ: What are some quick tips to enhance my schedules appearance?

A: Through the use of some simple tips, your schedule can look amazing in no time at all. Some suggested ways to spruce up your schedule include adding session thumbnails, creating session groups and adding streams.

Session Thumbnails

To draw attention to a session, keynote or specific speakers, session thumbnails can be uploaded. These can either be added per session or as a default icon to be used throughout the schedule where session icons are not set individually.

How to upload a session thumbnail

When uploaded for a specific session, thumbnails override the default session icons. These might be added to draw attention to meal breaks, keynote sessions or hero a speaker.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your schedule from the list of pages
  3. Select the applicable schedule day from the horizontal tiles
  4. Select pencil icon for the session you wish to update
  5. Navigate to the Session Thumbnail uploader
  6. Click + inside the uploader
  7. Drag or upload the session thumbnail
  8. Click Save on the uploader
  9. Click Save

How to upload default session and session group icons

Default session and session group icons can be set per schedule page type and will appear unless session thumbnails are set per session. Default thumbnails may be used to add additional branding to a schedule or to make it more visually attractive.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your schedule from the list of pages
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Navigate to Default Session Thumbnail
  4. Click + inside the uploader
  5. Drag or upload the session thumbnail
  6. Navigate to Default Session Group Thumbnail
  7. Click + inside the uploader
  8. Drag or upload the session thumbnail
  9. Click Save

How to show rounded thumbnails

Rounded session and session group thumbnails can be used rather than the standard square ones.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your schedule from the list of pages
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Navigate to Show Rounded Icons
  4. Select Yes from the drop-down menu
  5. Click Save

Session Groups

Grouping sessions can help make a schedule look neat and tidy. Session groups can be setup with their own colour to differentiate them from single sessions in the schedule session list.

How to create session groups

To show different breakouts or concurrents, sessions can display in a grouped format.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your schedule from the list of pages
  2. Select the day from the list running horizontally
  3. Click Select
  4. Choose the sessions to be grouped
  5. Click the Bulk Actions drop down
  6. Select Create Session Group

When sessions are grouped they will appear at the bottom of your schedule and will require you to input some details. To manage a session group:

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your schedule from the list of pages
  2. Select the day from the list running horizontally
  3. Click the pencil icon on the appropriate session group
  4. Click the Details tab
  5. Update the Title, Start and End times
  6. Click Save

How to update session group colour

A session group colour can be set to distinguish a group from single sessions in the session list view. This colour is typically set to compliment existing app branding.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your schedule from the list of pages
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Navigate to Session Group Colour
  4. Use the colour picker to select a Hex Colour code
  5. Click Save


Streams utilise colours and visual pills on the session list and on the session page, to distinguish between different session types such as workshops and keynote sessions.

How to create streams

  1. Navigate to Project Configuration > Schedule from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select the Streams tab
  3. Click + and select Create Stream from the drop-down
  4. Input a Title and Hex Colour code
  5. Click Save

How to add a stream

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your schedule from the list of pages
  3. Select the applicable schedule day from the horizontal tiles
  4. Select pencil icon for the session you wish to update
  5. Navigate to the Stream drop-down
  6. Select the stream name
  7. Click Save



FAQ: How can I map rooms on a floor plan? (advanced / optional)

A: Rooms are mapped onto a floor plan using X and Y coordinates. These can be determined using a different page type in the Core and copying the information over to the floor plan content page type.

When mapped and linked, rooms will appear in the schedule and link to a floor plan to show the location of the room.

Note: Prior to starting this process floor plan pages will need to be created with a floor plan image uploaded.

Create map locations content page type

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click Create a New Page from the right-hand options 
  3. Select Map Locations from the list of page types
  4. Click Create
  5. Enter a Title
  6. Select Default Floor Plan from the drop-down menu
  7. Click Save

Add a Room/Page

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your map locations content page type
  2. Click Add a Page
  3. Enter a Title
  4. Select the relevant Floor Plan from the drop-down menu
  5. Click Save

Note: This process will need to be completed for each room you wish you map on the floor plan

Map room on floor plan

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your map locations content page type
  2. Select Floor Plan Mapping from the right-hand options 
  3. Select your room from the drop-down menu
  4. Navigate to the relevant room on the floor plan and click on the floor plan image. A pink pin drop should appear
  5. Click Save

Export mapped room information

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your map locations content page type
  2. Select Export Pages from the right-hand options
  3. An .xls export of this data will download

Import mapped room information

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu and select your floor plans content page type
  2. Select the floor plan from the list
  3. Select Import Rooms from the right-hand options 
  4. Click Choose file and select the export .xls of the mapped room information
  5. Assign columns as follows: 
    1. Marker X > X Location
    2. Marker Y > Y Location
    3. Floor Plan > Ignore Column
  6. Click Validate
  7. Click Import



FAQ: Can I attach a document to a session?

A: Documents such as PDFs can be uploaded and linked to a session. From the session copy, there will be a link directly to the document with an option to either email this to yourself or view it on your device. This file will be added to the copy box and will be represented by the title and icon selected.

To upload a document

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your schedule from the list of pages
  3. Select the applicable schedule day from the horizontal tiles
  4. Select pencil icon for the session you wish to update
  5. Select the Documents tab
  6. Click +
  7. Select File Upload
  8. Enter a TItle, select an icon and choose the file to upload
  9. Click Create