Store Listing FAQs

Table of Contents:

  1. How can I make updates to my store listing, portal, standalone app?
  2. Which event app deployment option is right for me?
  3. Can I submit my own app? What submission options do I have?
  4. Can we un-invite you or change the password after submitting the build?
  5. What costs are involved with registering for a developer account/s?
  6. What is a D-U-N-S Number and how do I apply for one?
  7. Will I own the app/s listed under my store profile?
  8. What are the common reasons for app store rejections?
  9. I have noticed an error in my store listing. How can I fix this?
  10. Is it possible to receive status updates for my app submission?
  11. I want to provide my own screenshots. What is required?
  12. How much content should I have in my app for submission?
  13. Can I transfer an app from one organisation account to another?


FAQ: How can I make updates to my store listing, portal, standalone app?


Important note

Resubmissions that occur in a short period of time after an app's initial submission will incur an additional fee of AUD $300 excl. GST. For resubmissions where a change of mind has occurred or a mistake has been made when providing assets or details, we will charge this fee. This fee does not apply to resubmissions which are required to fix issues with the source or to provide necessary feature updates.

Request an update to your app/store listing

  1. Navigate to Store Listing from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click Revise Build Status from the right-hand options
  3. Click Request an update from the list of options and agree to the terms presented
  4. Click Save
  5. Make all changes to your store listing details and/or assets as required

When you are finished making changes, you will need to approve your store listing.


FAQ: Which event app deployment option is right for me?




FAQ: Can I submit my own app? What submission options do I have?

A: If you have opted to host your own app instead of using an Entegy or affiliated distributor provided portal(s), see the figure below to understand and decide on the best submission option for your organisation. Once you have chosen the submission type you wish to pursue, follow the steps provided.

Option 1 - strongly advised

  • Invite Entegy as an Admin to your Apple App Store developer team and iTunes Connect.
  • Invite Entegy as a Admin to your Google Play developer team.
  • Individual accounts are not eligible for this option.

Option 2

  • Entegy to provide organisation with .APK and .IPA bundles of app build for self-submission.
  • The upload process is not directly supported by Entegy. 
  • It is recommended that a trusted and experienced developer handle this process.
  • A computer with macOS and Xcode equipped are required to complete this process.
  • Entegy will not provide the Entegy Suite source code to clients/partners.


FAQ: Can we un-invite you or change the password after submitting the build?

A: Yes, you can change your passwords freely without affecting our ability to process new builds or update existing. However, if you choose to un-invite Entegy from your developer teams it will affect our ability to update any apps submitted under your store listing, preventing us from fixing any critical bugs, security updates and providing new features which would usually be handled automatically.


FAQ:  What costs are involved with registering for a developer account/s?

A: The costs associated with registering for a developer account vary between the Apple App and Google Play Stores.

The Google Play Store requires a one-off fee - check Google's KB for the latest information: - click here.

The Apple App Store requires a yearly subscription.  For details check Apple's Developer KB - click here.

The payment of relevant developer fees falls to the applying organisation.


FAQ: What is a D-U-N-S Number and how do I apply for one?

A: A Dun's & Bradstreet Number, or D-U-N-S Number for short, is a unique nine-digit identification code attributed to an organisation and each physical location where business is conducted. It is used to establish a business's credit file for universal recognition. In order to register for Apple's Developer Program, your organisation must possess a D-U-N-S Number so that Apple may identify your organisation's identity and legal entity status. 


FAQ: Will I own the app/s listed under my store profile?

A: No. While the app will be listed under your Apple App and Google Play store profile, Entegy Suite technology is the Intellectual Property of Union Lane Group and offers access to the software via a non-exclusive, non-transferable license agreement only.


FAQ: What are the common reasons for app store rejections?

A: The following is a list of common reasons for app rejections on both the Apple App and Google Play Stores.

  • Including event dates in the description
  • Only having dummy data in the app - real event content will need to be uploaded
  • The app or content being submitted does not belong to the developer account being used, i.e. Entegy attempting to submit an app branded to Porsche
  • Description too short or vague - must include a description of app’s purpose
  • Doesn’t offer much functionality or content
  • Incomplete content or empty pages
  • Menu items link to ‘coming soon’ message
  • Mentions of other operating systems
  • Official rules for sweepstakes, contests, and raffles not presented in the app or made clear that Apple is not a sponsor or involved in the activity in any manner.
  • Promotion or inclusion of betting or gambling
  • Unprofessional design or content
  • Racist or pornographic graphics or content
  • Only applies to, or available to a small niche market


FAQ: I have noticed an error in my store listing. How can I fix this?

A: If store listing is live in stores or processing:

In order to make alterations to your store listing on either platform, this will require a resubmission. Mistakes found to be made by the submitting party will be charged a fee of AUD $300 excl. GST. Please ensure that all details and assets being submitted to a store listing are correct and current at time of approval.

If you believe that the error has been made by Entegy or Google/Apple, please contact us to discuss.


FAQ: Is it possible to receive status updates for my app submission?

A: Yes! The Entegy build team will send email updates relating to the status of your app submission. Your nominated client contact will also receive these updates, on top of automated status updates from both the Google Play and Apple App Stores.


FAQ: I want to provide my own screenshots. What is required?

A: Please note that updating screenshots on both the Google Play and Apple App Stores will require a complete app resubmission. Please provide your screenshots in a zip/compressed folder to your Partner Success contact before altering the status of your project to pending update.

Screenshots must showcase the current design and functionality of the app available in stores.


FAQ: How much content should I have in my app for submission?

A: To help ensure your standalone app is accepted onto the Apple and Google Play stores, the app will need to avoid some common issues that cause apps to be rejected. Entegy’s recommendations allow, not only the Entegy Builds team, but both Apple and Google to easily access and review your app for submission.

Below is a recommended setup for your app content and setup.

Suggested app setup:

A minimum of 6 content icons (excl. Feature icons such as Profile List, MyEvent, Leaderboard, etc). Suggested Icons: 

  • Schedule
  • Speakers
  • Sponsors
  • Exhibitors
  • About
  • Notifications (with ‘Welcome to the XX event’ notification)
  • Feedback Form (anonymous submission only)

Some further considerations:

  • Content behind each icon - no empty pages
  • Menu items must not link to ‘coming soon’ message
  • Completed app design and colours
  • App Access Type: Public Access - no profile login
  • Set a primary project if the App is a portal

Please note any reference to profiles or logging in may cause the app to be rejected and slow down the submission process.


FAQ: Can I transfer an app from one organisation account to another?

A: Yes. It is possible to transfer an app from one organisation's store account to another. Contact the Support team for assistance