Configure Staff to Scan Method

Onsite staff can use the Attendance Tracking app to scan attendee badges/tickets as they enter a session or social event to track their attendance. The Attendance Tracking app also allows staff to look up attendees and manually record their attendance if they don’t have their badge/ticket.

When using this method, onsite staff will need to be provided with both the event code and session access code/s. 


If sessions are running in the same room, tracking session groups can be created to limit the number of session access codes needed.

As staff will be closely monitoring admittance to the session through the Attendance Tracking app, this method is best for sessions requiring session access rules. When an attendee has their badge/ticket scanned, the Track app will show a green tick if they are allowed entry or a red cross if not, allowing staff to restrict access based on tickets purchased, profile data etc.

This method is also recommended if the post-event data is used for reporting, such as CPD etc. As staff are monitoring admittance, they can ensure all attendees are being tracked into the session. 

Key steps to configure Attendance Tracking - Staff to Scan include:


Session Access Codes

Session access codes are required to access the Track app. If you are scanning for individual sessions, you need to generate session access codes, however, for session groups, these are generated when you create the group. Learn more about session group access codes here.

Once generated, you can export session access codes to an Excel spreadsheet to distribute to staff using the Attendance Tracking app.


It is recommended to add a column and include the Event Code. This allows staff to have all relevant information to access the Track app.

Generate session access codes

  1. Navigate to Attendance Tracking > Sessions from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click Generate Blank Codes from the right-hand options on the Configuration Panel

Export session access codes

  1. Navigate to Attendance Tracking > Sessions from the Navigation Menu
  2. If applicable, click Generate Blank Codes from the right-hand options on the Configuration Panel
  3. Click Export Session Codes from the right-hand options on the Configuration Panel


Session Access Rules

Session access rules can be used to restrict access to particular sessions based on attendee profile types or customisable profile fields. 

Please note:

Session access rules cannot be used to ‘consume’ a ticket. Instead, the Track app will flag if an attendee matches the rule and will allow them to enter, or deny them access.

For example, if you purchase a ticket at the cinema, you are able to come in and out as many times as you like, so long as you have your ticket. If an attendee has their badge and they match the session access rule, they are able to move in and out of the session/function as the Track app will allow them entry regardless of how many times they have come in or out.

Please note

Session access rules are created as ‘AND’ rules, rather than ‘OR’ rules. This means that if multiple fields are added to the rule, the attendees must meet ALL the required fields, rather than only meeting some of the requirements.

For example, Session A: Allow Attendee type, Allow Age Bracket 26-45. For an attendee to be allowed entry, they must be an Attendee profile type and have Age Bracket selected as 26-45. If an attendee tries to enter and they are an Attendee profile type and Age Bracket 46-65, they will not be allowed entry as they do not meet all requirements of the access rule.


Setup Profile Data

The first step is to confirm your profile requirements and ensure the data you require to create the rule has been collected at registration. 

Session access rules can be created using profile types or a custom multiple choice field.

Restricting access to a Conference Day or Stream

  1. Create a Profile Type for each conference day or stream you would like to restrict entry

Restricting access to a Conference Session

  1. Create a Customisable Profile Field for each session you would like to restrict entry
  2. Ensure each Customisable Profile Field is set up as Multiple Choice with Yes assigned to those eligible to attend and No for those ineligible to attend.  


Create session access rules

To setup session access rules

  1. Navigate to Attendance Tracking > Sessions from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click a Session Name
  3. Click New Rule
  4. Choose the Field or Type
  5. Select the Access Type and Options (If applicable)
  6. Confirm by clicking Save

To confirm session access rule and scanning

  1. Click View Valid Delegates to confirm the rule is correctly setup
  2. When scanning attendees with the Track app a green tick will show for eligible attendees and a red cross will show for ineligible attendees

 To edit and delete a session rule

  1. Navigate to Attendance Tracking > Sessions from the Navigation Menu
  2. Hover over the Access Rule to display edit and delete option
  3. Click the required option and complete as necessary