If you are taking payment through Stripe or another payment method (e.g. Cheque, Cash etc.), then you may need to manage your transactions. This can include how to process a refund, adding in evidence that an attendee has paid by cash etc.
While your Stripe account will be used to process the monetary refund, in order to keep your overall transactions listed in the Entegy CMS up to date, it is recommended to update our records in line with any changes.
There are several ways to manage a transaction:
- View Transaction Details
- Add Payment
- Indicate Refund
- Change transaction status (cancelled/refunded)
- Resend relevant payment email
- Delete Transaction
View Transaction Details
When registration forms allow multiple attendees to register in the same transaction (e.g. purchasing 3 tickets in a single checkout), the Entegy system will only record the one (1) total transaction. You can view what other tickets/registrations the main ticket holder also purchased in the back end.
To view transaction details:
- Navigate to Registration > Transactions from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the transaction you wish to update
- Click the drop-down menu for that attendee and select Details
Here you will be able to see a full summary of each item purchased. This can include: a list of multiple attendee tickets in a single transaction and a list of paid elements purchased through registration (e.g. Workshop Tickets, Gala Dinner, T-Shirts etc.)
You can also see relationships between profiles in the Profile List in the CMS. This will indicate who the parent is (main purchaser profile) and any subsequent profiles purchased in that transaction.
To view relationships between related profiles:
- Navigate to Profiles > View All from the Navigation Menu
- There are several icons listed alongside each attendee in this list. The first icon is of a person - this indicates is the main purchaser or parent for the transaction
- Click on a relevant profile
- Navigate to the Related Profiles tab
- Here you can view who the parent profile is, and who else was purchased in this transaction
Add Payment
Adding payment may be needed if an attendee has paid additionally on the side to upgrade a ticket, purchase an add-on etc. This can be recorded against the profile, which will also filter through to the Transactions page and report.
To add a payment:
- Navigate to Profiles > View All from the Navigation Menu
- Select the relevant Profile
- Select Add Payment or Refund from the right-hand options
- Input the relevant details:
- Transaction ID: Added to the Transaction List and Report to indicate this transaction has taken place
- Payment Method: How this attendee paid
- Amount: Numerical amount for the total paid
- Currency: Currency payment was made in
- Click Save
Clicking Save will create a new line in the Transaction report indicating that this money has been made.
Indicate Refund Processed
Rather than deleting profiles who have cancelled their ticket, or if an attendee needs a partial refund, this needs to be documented on Entegy. While the monetary refund will be processed through their chosen method (e.g. Stripe refund etc.), it still needs to be updated to ensure your transaction report is up to date.
This is the best way to issue a refund for a single attendee who has either registered by themselves in a single transaction or has been registered as part of a larger group in a single transaction, and they are the only ones wanting a refund.
Please note
When refunding, your initial payment transaction will remain in the transaction report, however, a new line will be added to indicate a refund.
To process a refund:
- Navigate to Profiles > View All from the Navigation Menu
- Select the relevant Profile
- Select Add Payment or Refund from the right-hand options
- Input the relevant details:
- Transaction ID: Added to the Transaction List and Report to indicate this transaction has taken place
- Payment Method: How this attendee was paid
- Amount: Numerical amount for the total paid
- Currency: Currency payment was made in
- Tick Is Refund
- *Optional* If the attendee is cancelling their ticket, you can also mark them as Make Profile Inactive. This will allow the transaction report to still include them, while the attendee will not be included in the main attendee list etc.
- Click Save
Change Transaction Status
Adding a payment and issuing a refund will automatically update the transaction status as it creates a new line in the Transaction Report. However, you may wish to indicate whether an entire transaction (e.g. more than one (1) attendee is cancelling their ticket), you can cancel the entire transaction order from the Entegy side.
This is the best way to indicate a refund for an entire group order made in a single transaction.
Change a Transaction Status:
- Navigate to Registration > Transactions from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the transaction you wish to update
- Click the drop-down menu for that attendee and select Change Status
- Navigate to New Status and select the relevant status from the drop-down:
- Paid: Will display if payment is pending. Indicates that the attendee has paid their outstanding total amount
- Payment Method: Indicate how this person paid their outstanding payment
- Transaction Reference: Include a reference to indicate this payment has been made
- Cancelled: Will display if an attendee has successfully paid or payment is pending
- Notes: A short note to go along with the cancellation. This note is included in the overall Transaction Report
- Notes: A short note to go along with the cancellation. This note is included in the overall Transaction Report
- Refunded: Will display if an attendee has successfully paid
- Notes: A short note to go along with the refund. The main monetary refund must still be processed through your payment gateway (e.g. Stripe). This note is included in the overall Transaction Report
- Paid: Will display if payment is pending. Indicates that the attendee has paid their outstanding total amount
- Click Save
Resend Payment Email
Both the Payment Received and Payment Required system emails can be re-sent as relevant. For example, if an attendee's status is changed from Pending to Paid, you may wish to send them the Payment Received email to indicate this has been received. Alternatively, if someone has still not paid, you can resend the Payment Required email.
The Payment email template will be chosen automatically based on the transaction's status:
Pending will receive the Payment Required email
Paid will receive the Payment Received email
To resend a payment email:
- Navigate to Registration > Transactions from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the transaction you wish to update
- Click the drop-down menu for that attendee and select Send as Email
- Confirm the Email Address of the main profile in the transaction. This can be updated here if needed
- Confirm the Subject of the email. This will indicate if you are sending Payment Received or Payment Required.
- Click Send
Delete Transaction
In some instances, you may need to delete a transaction altogether. This is likely after testing or just before you launch your forms to allow for clean data.
Please note
Once a transaction has been deleted it cannot be recovered
To delete a transaction
- Navigate to Registration > Transactions from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the transaction you wish to update
- Click the drop-down menu for that attendee and select Delete