Import Profile Data

How to import profile data

As well as being able to manually create profiles from within the CMS you are also able to import profiles from a single .xlsx document.

Tip: It is recommended that your profile list has a unique identifier for every upload, such as a unique email address or external reference. This will make profile updating easier.


To import profile data 

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Bulk Import Profiles from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click Choose File and select your desired .xlsx document 
  3. Select a Reference Field from the drop-down menu to confirm your upload method
    1. New Records Only A new record will be created in the CMS for each attendee on the list
    2. External Reference Option used for updating profiles. It is a unique code generated by any other system to identify profiles (e.g. registration number)
    3. Internal Reference Option used for updating profiles. A unique code generated by the CMS. Existing profiles will need to be exported from the CMS to obtain this code
    4. Email Option used for updating profiles. Can only be used when emails are unique for all profiles
  4. Select a Profile Status from the drop-down menu
    1. Active Allows uploaded attendees to be active, access the Event App, have their badge printed, etc.
    2. Inactive Does not allow attendees access to the Event App, have their badge printed, etc. Used primarily for the Attendee Invite Link feature.
  5. Indicate if you would like to update the profile status for those attendees already in the CMS
  6. Assign each column to the corresponding CMS field name using the drop-downs
  7. Ensure required field being imported (First Name, Last Name and [Profile] Type)
  8. Click Validate
  9. If the validation is successful and the profiles are ready to be imported, click Import

If an error is detected, the popup will say that an error has been found in the data, and all affected cells will now be red. Also in the Error Output box below the importer, a list of errors will appear (see below).

From here, you need only rectify the incorrectly formatted cells and attempt the upload process again until successful.