Use the Basic Profile Import Template

How to use the basic profile import template

To make profile uploading easier, an excel template has created to aid in this process. This template is the easiest way to upload profile data in bulk.

See below for each column included in the template and what that information is used for. If further information is required to be uploaded, additional profile fields can be created.

Please note: columns in the template can be moved as column headings can be mapped to match field titles in the Core. Additional columns can also be added to the template as new information is required.

Those marked below with * are compulsory fields that must be entered to in order for a profile to be created.


The title of the attendee will not appear in the profile list by default. It can also be used on badges.

First Name*

An attendee’s first name is displayed in:

  • the profile list
  • badge designs
  • attendee connect features (e.g. activity feed, leaderboard etc.)
  • interactive sessions when a question is submitted
  • lead capture when their badge has been scanned

Last Name*

An attendee’s last name is displayed in:

  • the profile list
  • badge designs
  • attendee connect features (e.g. activity feed, leaderboard etc.)
  • interactive sessions when a question is submitted
  • lead capture when their badge has been scanned


When the attendee dictates, this can be visible on their profile page in the profile list.

When email addresses are unique for all attendees, they can be used as a unique identifier and a login method for the event App. However, if they are not unique, other identifiers and login methods will need to be explored. 

Contact Number

This field is a primary contact number for an attendee. When the attendee dictates, this can be visible on their profile page in the profile list.

Take the attendees of the event into account and consider if a country or area codes may be required for some contact numbers.


If populated, an attendee’s organisation name displays on an attendee’s profile page and can display in the profile list.

Tip: the organisation name should match the exhibitor listing in the app so names can be easily matched when using Lead Capture.


If populated, an attendee’s position will appear on an attendee’s profile page and can display in the profile list.


Profile types can be used to segment profiles into groups. Five default profiles types are automatically created. These are staff, speaker, exhibitor, sponsor and attendee. Additional profile types can easily be created if attendees do not fit into these groups. As type is a required field, each attendee being uploaded to the Core will need to have one.

Profile types can be displayed on badges and used to create smart redirects, push notification categories etc.

External Reference 

External references are used as a profile identifier as well as a potential login method. They can be drawn from third-party registration systems e.g. staff ID, reg number etc.