Bulk Upload Session Segments

How to upload session segments in bulk

Session segments can be uploaded in bulk rather than uploading individually. Sessions will be imported in the same order as the excel spreadsheet (.xls) file uploaded.

Bulk import session segments

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your schedule from the list of pages
  3. Select the applicable schedule day from the horizontal tiles
  4. Select pencil icon for the session you wish to update
  5. Select Import Session Segments from the right-hand options on the Configuration Panel
  6. Click Choose file and select the session .xls
  7. Click Validate
  8. Click Import

Any errors with the import will appear in the Error Output box below the importer. These will need to be resolved before you can import.

NOTE: Session times will need to be in 24 hour time. E.g. 08:00, 09:00, 10:00 etc. Any other time format will result in an error