Configure Lead Capture - Exhibitor Personal Login Details

Configuring Lead Capture for Exhibitor Personal Login Details requires some key steps. If you are unsure which access method you wish to use for Lead Capture, please refer to the Setup Considerations here.

If exhibitors have already registered for the event, these existing profiles can be used to allow access to the Lead Capture app. Using this method, each member of the exhibitor team must be assigned to an existing exhibitor team company. 

When using this method, each exhibitor must be provided with the EVENT CODE and their PERSONAL LOGIN CREDENTIALS, which are unique per exhibitor team member. These login credentials may be the same as the event app, or used solely for Lead Capture. If the login credentials are also used for an event app, any updated details (e.g. password), will also be updated for Lead Capture. 

For example, an exhibitor logs into the event app and updates their password to be personalised. The exhibitor then logs into the Lead Capture app using those updated details. 

This method can be used to restrict how many exhibitor team members each booth can have, however, can be quite limiting if booth members change at the last minute or during your event.

Key steps to configure Lead Capture for Exhibitor Personal Login Details include:


Use the bulk assign team members wizard

To assist in creating exhibitor teams, the team wizard matches attendee profiles to existing exhibitors based on organisation name. If the organisation name does not match exactly to an existing exhibitor name, the wizard allows for these profiles to be manually matched to an exhibitor.

Please note: this process can be repeated if new profiles are uploaded, but will only work with profiles not yet assigned to a team.

To use the team wizard

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Exhibitor Teams from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select Bulk Assign Team Members Wizard from the right-hand options
  3. Create a new rule for Exhibitor profile type
  4. Click Next
  5. Select the option appropriate to the matches found
    1. Add these profiles to Exhibitor Teams on save - will link organisation name with existing exhibitor team automatically
    2. Review these profiles manually - manually assign the exhibitor team from the list
    3. Skip these profiles - do not add to a team
  6. Click Next
  7. Manually select the appropriate exhibitor team for each exhibitor profile that did not match
  8. Click Next
  9. Review the matched and manually matched profiles
  10. Click Save