Configure In-app Badges

In-app badges allow attendees who are logged into the event app to have their personalised badge QR Code directly in the app. This can be a great backup option when an attendee has misplaced or instead of a physical badge.

In-app Badges act exactly the same as a physical event badge, meaning they can be scanned by other attendees using the event app, exhibitors using Lead Capture, staff using Attendance Tracking, or to print their physical badge using a Kiosk or Onsite Printing.

Please note

Attendees MUST be logged into the event app to access this. You must also ensure there is a dedicated icon for this feature.


To create an in-app badge

  1. Navigate to App > In-app Badge from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click the + button
  3. Input a Badge Name
  4. For each Line, please select the Profile Field, Font Size and Colour. Please note your App colour scheme to ensure font colour is readable.  
    1. Line One will use the Details Bar Background Colour as the background colour*
    2. Lines Two to Four will use the Quote / Breakout Background Colour as the background colour*
  5. Click Save

Tip: if not all four lines can be filled, set the unwanted field font colour to the same as the background colour to hide it.

*The in-app badge will use the Details Bar Background Colour and Quote / Breakout Background Colour for the badge, both set under App > App Appearance.