Profile List Setup

A profile list allows app users to view and search other attendees, send private messages and view other attendee's leaderboard rank.

This can be setup to achieve the following:

  1. Allow attendees to view who else is attending the event
  2. Allow attendees to share personal details with fellow attendees
  3. Acts as a contacts list for messaging

Please note

Attendees must be logged in to view the profile list.

Attendees can choose to either opt in or out of being visible in the profile list through their privacy settings found in My App. Profile information that is visible on an attendee’s personal profile can also be managed through My App.

In order for attendees to appear on the profile list, they need to be set to “Visible in List”. Once an attendee is visible in the list, the profile list acts as a contact list. If other Attendee Connect features are enabled, attendees can use the profile list to view points and achievements, message a fellow attendee, or bookmark them to contact later.


Setup Profile List

1) Upload Attendee Profiles

2) Configure Attendee Login and Authentication Settings

3) Configure the Profile List

4) Test

5) Communication