Create Display Rules

How to create badge display rules

Badge display rules can be created from any multiple choice field in the Core. For example, badge assets can be set to only show for a certain profile type, or might change based on a multiple choice field.

A common use for badge display rules is for showing gala dinner information such as attendance or table number. To outline the process of creating badge display rules, the example of setting up Gala Dinner Table Number to display on the badge has been used.

To create multiple choice custom field

Before badge display rules can be created, a multiple choice custom field will need to be created. Click here to read more about creating a custom multiple choice field. 

  1. Navigate to Project Configuration > Profiles from the Navigation Menu
  2. Navigate to Customisable fields and click +
  3. Complete the required information as follows:
    1. Name: This will be the title of your profile field.
    2. Key: The key acts as a unique identifier for each profile field within the Core backend.
      Note: Once a key has been set it should not be changed as this will affect element features that refer to the field e.g smart redirects and tracking rules.
    3. Type: This is the type of response gathered for a given profile field. Select Multiple Choice.
    4. Required: Set to Yes.
    5. User Access: Set as required.
    6. Profile Visibility: Set as required.
  4.  Click Save
  5. Click +
  6. Enter a Name for the multiple choice option
  7. Click Save

To set a multiple choice option as default

It is best practice to set a default option as to ensure the field is not left blank, especially when creating badge rules based on this field.

  1. Navigate to your desired custom multiple choice field
  2. Click the drop-down arrow against the desired selectable option
  3. Select Make Default

For this example:

  • Table numbers 1-5 were setup along with a N/A option. N/A has been set to default to ensure blank fields do not default to a table number.


To create a badge display rule

For this example a back has been created for the badge. On the back is a PDF background image, a title introducing the table number and then the table number field. Before the display rule is set, all 3 of these items will appear on every badge.

For this badge we want to do the following:

  1. Display the field containing the table number where required.
    1. For example, if an attendee is not attending the Gala Dinner, N/A will appear in this field. If N/A is selected,  this field should be hidden.
  2. Not display the title text when a table number is not required.
    1. For example, if the table number is hidden (as above), the text should also be hidden.

Please note, badge display rules work based on 'Show Layer' rules. Ensure all badge display rules are setup based on which pieces of information will be showing.

To display table number

  1. Navigate to Badge Creator > Badge Templates from the Navigation Menu and select the relevant badge
  2. Select the field you wish to create a display rule for
  3. Navigate to Display Rules and select the relevant field from the drop-down
  4. Select the checkboxes for the multiple choice options you wish to display this field
  5. Click Save

For this example:

  • Display ‘Gala Dinner Table Number’ multiple choice field for all table numbers 1-5.
    • Ensure relevant table numbers are selected and N/A is left blank. This field will now display for those attendees with a table number selected, and not show for those who have selected N/A.


To not display title text

  1. Navigate to Badge Creator > Badge Templates from the Navigation Menu and select the relevant badge
  2. Select the field you wish to create a display rule for
  3. Navigate to Display Rules and select the relevant field from the drop-down
  4. Select the checkboxes for the multiple choice options you wish to display this field
  5. Click Save

For this example:

  • Display ‘Title Text’ text field for all table numbers 1-5.
    • Ensure relevant table numbers are selected and N/A is left blank. This field will now display for those attendees with a table number selected, and not show for those who have selected N/A.
