Manage Team Members in the CMS

How to manage team members in the CMS

It is recommended all exhibitor team members are added to their exhibiting team in the CMS prior to the event. This minimises onsite set up for exhibitors using the Capture app and will ensure the whole exhibiting team have direct access the features of the app without needing to be invited to a team.


  • All team members will need to be created as profiles in the CMS before they can be added to a team in the CMS.
  • Whilst the Capture app does enable exhibitors to invite team members through the app, at least one team member will need to be added to each Exhibitor in the CMS to initiate the team.

If you are assigning a large number of exhibitors to teams, it is recommended you use the bulk assign team members wizard.

To add team members

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Exhibitor Teams from the Navigation Panel
  2. Select the exhibitor name from the list
  3. Click the Team tab
  4. Click +
  5. Select the team member from the list of profiles
  6. Click Add

To remove a team member

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Exhibitor Teams from the Navigation Panel
  2. Select the exhibitor name from the list
  3. Click the Team tab
  4. Navigate to the team member you wish to remove
  5. Select Remove from Team from the right-hand drop-down