Configure Lead Capture Settings

There are many settings that need to be configured to effectively use Lead Capture.

These include:


Set Exhibitor Code Message

To help your exhibitors in case they have any questions or concerns, update the message and contact information here to help them send their questions to the right place.


Set your Capture app branding

The Capture app can be setup to reflect the branding of your event with a highlight colour and project icon. These branding elements are shared across different features as explained below.


To set app colours

There are three main colours that are used to brand your Lead Capture app. If you have an event app, these colours will pull directly from the Event App Appearance Colours. If you don’t have an app, you will need to set these colours.

  1. Navigate to Lead Capture > Settings from the navigation menu
  2. Navigate to UI Appearance > Highlight Colour
  3. Use the colour picker to update the Highlight Colour
  4. Click Save

Note: If the App element is activated for the event this is the same as the highlight colour from the App appearance. If not activated, a colour will need to be selected.


To set project icon

This icon serves many purposes including representing your event in the Core, Capture app and Interactive Sessions holding screen.

  1. Navigate to Project Configuration > Project from the navigation panel
  2. Navigate to the Details tab
  3. Click Choose File and select the icon you wish to represent your event
  4. Click Save


Qualifying Questions

Qualifying Questions allow exhibitor teams to qualify leads with a predetermined list of questions. These can be set, either by the organiser, or the exhibitor team. 

Default Qualifying Questions: Questions setup for all exhibitor teams. Event organisers can edit or add new default questions for all exhibitors to reflect event requirements. 

Custom Qualifying Questions: Questions exhibitors can setup themselves via the Capture app, or by the organiser per exhibitor team in the CMS.


How to configure default qualifying questions

Event organiser can create predetermined qualifying questions in the CMS. These questions can then be exported directly from the app alongside lead profile data

Add or edit default qualifying questions

  1. Navigate to Lead Capture > Settings from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click the Default Qualifying Questions tab

To edit default questions:

  1. Hover your cursor over the question to edit options
  2. Click the Pencil Icon to edit or;
  3. Click on the  X to delete

To add new default questions:

  1. Click on the + Button
  2. Select user input item
  3. Input question
  4. Select Save

To reorder questions

  1. Click on the reorder arrows
  2. Drag and drop questions to reorder
  3. Select Save


Add custom qualifying questions

Custom qualifying questions are created by each exhibitor from within the Capture app. If required, the custom qualifying questions feature can be disabled for some or all exhibitors. Click here to learn more.


How to disable custom qualifying questions

Exhibitors can edit and update their own list of lead qualifying questions that can be completed for each scanned lead. This feature is enabled by default, however, an organiser may want to disable this feature for some exhibitors, for example, a Gold Level exhibitor may have more features than a Bronze Level exhibitor.


To disable custom qualifying questions for exhibitors

Custom qualifying questions can be disabled for some exhibitors. This is managed individually per exhibitor.

  1. Navigate to Lead Capture > Settings from the Navigation Panel
  2. Click the Settings tab
  3. Select Allow
  4. Click Save
  5. Navigate to Lead Capture > Exhibitors from the Navigation Panel
  6. Select the exhibitor you wish to disable qualifying questions for
  7. Click the Settings Tab
  8. Select Disallow from the drop-down
  9. Click Save


Configure exhibitor exports

To enable exhibitors to export their lead data from the Capture app you need to configure the exhibitor export. This step is also required to confirm what profile data you wish to make available to exhibitors.


To configure exhibitor exports

  1. Navigate to Lead Capture > Settings from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click the Export Fields tab
  3. Select the Standard and Custom Fields you wish to make available to exhibitors when they export data from the Capture app
  4. Click Save


Enable and view scanned status from the event app

When enabled attendees can view their scanned status from the exhibitor page on the event App


To enable viewing

  1. Navigate to App > Settings from the Navigation Menu
  2. Set Show Visited Status on Sessions to Yes


To view

  1. Navigate to Exhibitors on the event App
  2. View Scanned Icon:
    1. Coloured Icon represents attendee scanned with the exhibitor
    2. Grey Icon represents attendee not yet scanned with the exhibitor
