How to create a custom multiple choice field
Custom multiple choice fields are also the most versatile when working with elements in the system, and increase flexibility with personalisation and data collection. It is recommended to use custom multiple choice fields where possible as there can be an unlimited number with as many choices as required. To read more about when it’s best to use a custom multiple choice field over a text field, click here.
Custom multiple choice fields are used for filtering profiles, along with adding rules to Attendance Tracking, Badge Design and Smart Redirect elements. Some common examples of these custom fields are; gala dinner attendance, session attendance and table number.
To create a custom multiple choice field
- Navigate to Project Configuration > Profiles from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to Customisable fields and click +
- Fill out the following information:
- Name: This will be the title of your profile field and what attendees will see within their in-app profiles.
- Key: The key acts as a unique identifier for each profile field within the Core backend. A key is required for each profile field and must be unique per project, contain no spaces and cannot start with a number.
Note: Once a key has been set it should not be changed as this will affect element features that refer to the field e.g smart redirects and tracking rules. - Type: This is the type of response gathered for a given profile field. As many multiple choice custom fields as we required can be used without limitation.
- Required: Setting a profile field to required refers to whether or not a response is necessary for the field. This will means that the field will need to be set to mandatory when placed into a registration form.
- User Access: If set to hidden, attendees will be unable to edit or see their personal field/s within their in-app profile. If set to visible, they will be able to view the field and their response. If set to editable, they will be able to view the field and alter their response freely at any time. As this option is separate to Profile Visibility, other attendees viewing attendee profiles will not be restricted by the changes made to this option.
- Profile Visibility: If set to hidden, attendees will be unable to view this field on other attendees' profiles. If however, it is set to visible, attendees will be able to see the field and response provided.
- Click Save
- Click +
- Enter a Name for the multiple choice option
- Enter any Import Keywords (one per line)
- The Import Keywords option allows for data to be captured regardless of what variation of the response has been provided, so long as the keyword/s is/are defined. For example, the responses from attendees might vary between 'Yes, I will be in attendance', 'Yes' and 'Y', but for display purposes, the response needs to be a universal 'Yes, I will be in attendance' (see screenshot)
- Input Price
- Click Save
To set a multiple choice option as default
It is best practice to set a default option as to ensure the field is not left blank. When custom multiple choice fields do not have a response, this can affect how the field interacts with other Core elements. For example, when creating badge display rules or tracking rules, attendees with blank responses are exempt from following these rules.
Setting a default option can also make uploading data easier, so not every attendee requires a response, but the default is chosen instead.
- Navigate to your desired custom multiple choice field
- Click the drop-down arrow against the desired selectable option
- Select Make Default
At any point in time, you may edit your created custom fields. Custom fields may also be deleted freely. However, ensure that there are no other features such as Smart Redirects or Track that will be disrupted as a result of the fields deletion.