Fixed Fields
Fixed fields are already set up by default in the CMS. First name, last name and profile type are required fields, however, the more fields you include the more flexibility you have to manage your profiles and customise the App and elements to specific users.
Fixed fields include:
- Title
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email*
- Profile Type
- Organisation
- Position
- Contact Number
*Email addresses can be used to log into the App if they are unique for each attendee.
Identification fields
Identification fields are used for profile identification in the CMS. Attendees can also use these when logging into the event App.
Identification fields include:
Internal references are a unique string of numbers that are generated by the CMS for each attendee. These are automatically determined when a profile is created and cannot be changed.
External references are a unique string of characters (not limited to numbers) that are populated by an event organiser when profiles are imported. These may include Membership ID, registration number, ticket number etc.
Access Codes are codes randomly generated by the CMS and used for logging into mobile Apps.
Customisable fields
Custom fields can be created for additional information or to enhance element functionality. E.g. gala dinner ticket, postcode, years of service or alternate contact number.
There are two types of customisable fields:
Custom Text Fields include the following options: short, medium, and long text, country, website and social media. Text fields vary in size, however, have no character limit. The size (short, medium and long) refers to the size of the textbox provided on a registration form or when updating a profile in-app.
Custom Multiple Choice Fields are used for filtering profiles, along with adding rules to Attendance Tracking, Badge Design and Smart Redirect elements. Some common examples of these custom fields are; gala dinner attendance, session attendance and table number.
You can only have a maximum of 10 custom text fields, but you may have as many multiple choice custom fields as desired. Click here to read more about when it is best to use a text field over a multiple choice field.
Related articles:
Create a custom text field
Create a custom multiple choice field