Login and authentication settings include attendee privacy settings and how attendees will log into the app. It is recommended that these settings be determined well in advance of any App launch, as they dictate how attendees access the app and interact with one another.
This article includes:
- Manage Profile Options
- Configure login and authentication settings
- Configure Profile Login for Event App
Manage profile login options
Select from the following profile login options to dictate how attendees will log into the app.
Please note
Usernames can be changed at any time through an attendee’s account settings. All usernames are stored in the Core and can be recovered by the organiser if required.
First Line options:
- Username - The unique system-generated identifier that is a combination of First Name, Last Name and 4 characters e.g. John.Smith5487. Once logged in attendees can set their own username.
Usernames must meet the following requirements:-
Must be between 6 and 50 characters.
Contain only alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9).
Can also contain periods (.), dashes (-) or underscores (_), however, these cannot be used consecutively or at the start or end of a username.
- Email - Email addresses must be unique for all attendees if used as a login method. This cannot be used if you have allowed duplicate emails in Profile Field settings.
Second Line (Password) options:
- Password - A temporary password auto-generated by the CMS. Attendees can then update their password on first login in, meeting the required complexity selected by the organiser from the below options. This is required if the first line is "Email".
This password is required to meet the complexity selected by the organiser:
Password Complexity options:
- Basic - At least 4 characters
- Simple - At least 6 characters
- Medium - At Least 8 characters with one being a symbol or numerical or capital
- Secure - At least 12 characters
- Complex - At least 12 characters containing, a capital, numerical and symbol
- Default Temporary Password - A temporary password that the event organiser creates. This will be the same Temporary Password for all attendees when they first download and access the event app. Attendees can then update their password on first login in, meeting the required complexity selected by the organiser from the below options.
- To enable, ensure Password is selected for the Second Line, and input the Default Temporary Password into the relevant field.
- Please note: once a Default Temporary Password has been created, it will update automatically for all attendees. A standard Temporary Password (unique per attendee) cannot be re-enabled once a Default Temporary Password has been set.
- External Reference - A unique identifier imported into the Core from an external registration software. E.g. Staff ID, registration number, ticket number etc.
- Internal Reference - A unique identifier that is generated by the Core for each attendee. This is automatically determined when a profile is created and cannot be changed.
Configure login and authentication settings
To configure login and authentication settings:
- Navigate to Project Configuration > Profiles
- Click the Authentication tab
- Navigate to Authentication
- Update First Line and Second Line (Password) as required
- Click Save
Configure Profile Login for Event App
To configure Profile Login for Event App:
- Navigate to Project Configuration > Project Details
- Navigate to the Access Type drop-down
- Select Profile Login
- Click Save
This will now force all attendees to login to their personal profiles when they first download and access the Event App.