Configure Messaging

How to configure messaging

Messaging allows attendees to send private in-app messages to one another. Messages can be easily configured, and sent message stats viewed, in the CMS.

NOTE: Profile privacy needs to be set to ‘Visible and Allow Messaging’ to send in-app messages. The profile list acts as a contact list for attendees. If a profile is not set to ‘Visible and Allow Messaging’, they will not appear in the profile list or be able to be messaged.


To configure messaging

  1. Navigate to Attendee Connect > Messaging from the Navigation Menu
  2. Navigate to Allow users to message and select Yes from the drop-down
  3. Input new User Inbox Name, if required
  4. Upload new Page Header (Note: will default to Generic Header set at App > Appearance if not set)
  5. Click Save

To view Message Counts by Day statistics

Message count by day shows the number of messages that have been sent per day since the first in-app message has been sent. These stats can be viewed in the CMS.

  1. Navigate to Attendee Connect > Messaging from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select the Message Counts by Day tab

To view Message Counts by Field statistics

Message count by field is the total amount of messages sent, filtered by custom multiple-choice profile field data. For example, 20 messages have been sent by attendees who selected Yes to attending the Gala Dinner. These stats can be viewed in the CMS.

  1. Navigate to Attendee Connect > Messaging from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select the Message Counts by Field tab