Using the Profile Filter

The Profile Filter can be used to segment your data based on profile information (e.g. Ticket Type etc.) and permissions (e.g. Not Logged In to the event app). Filters can be saved for future use and reloaded to save time on having to recreate common filters.

The Profile Filter is used in many places in the CMS including (but not limited to):

  • Exporting Profiles
  • Sending Push Notifications
  • Sending Email Campaigns
  • Exporting Attendance Tracking Data


The Profile Filter is based on a rule set. If an attendee does not meet this rule set, they will be excluded from the list. The filtered list can be previewed to ensure lists are cross-checked as required (e.g. prior to sending an Email Campaign).


To use the profile filter:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Export Profiles from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your filter conditions

To save a profile filter:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Export Profiles from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your filter conditions
  3. Select Save New
  4. Give the filter a name
  5. Select Save

To load an existing profile filter:

  1. Navigate to Profiles > Export Profiles from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select Load Filter
  3. Select the existing filter you wish to use


Some Common Filters:

Not Logged In

Permissions =/= Event App Logged in



Profiles Created After Certain Date

Created after [Date and Time]Screen_Shot_2022-03-30_at_8.08.59_am.png


Profiles with a Certain Email Address - Great for sending test emails to Staff

Email contains [Email Address]
