Code Entry Portal Setup

Code Entry Portals require an attendee to input a unique Event Code to access a project. 

Code Entry portals have a landing page that displays when the app is first opened. This screen includes the Tap to Start image and the splash screen from your store listing details. When the Tap to Start image is clicked, an attendee will then be prompted to enter their unique Event Code.

The Tap to Start image can include text or images to help match with the portal branding etc. Other details, such as the placeholder text, can also be updated. 

When designing the Tap to Start image, it is recommended to include any logos etc. in the transparent image. This way the logo and branding will always be visible, even on smaller devices. 

Updates to the Tap to Start image can be pushed immediately through the Portal Project interface. 

Please note

Changes to the portal background image will require a full resubmission as this is part of the Store Listing > Background/Splash images.

This guide includes:


Upload Tap to Start image

Code Entry portals have a landing page that displays when the app is first opened. This screen includes the Tap to Start image and the splash screen from your store listing details. 

A Tap to Start image needs to be uploaded to prompt attendees to click in order to enter their event code. 


To upload Tap to Start image

By default, the image will sit almost in the centre of the screen. To move the image, add more transparent padding to the image uploaded.

  1. Navigate to Portal Design from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select the Design Tab
  3. Navigate to Tap to Start Image and click the pencil icon
  4. Select image


Manage portal details

Code Entry portals allow for custom 'Enter Code' text and colouring to be added to your portal. This customisation helps to keep in theme with your portal design.


To manage portal details:

  1. Navigate to Portal Design from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select the Details Tab
  3. Update the Enter Code Text as required
  4. Update Enter Code Placeholder colour
  5. Click Save