A Tile Entry Portal provides a menu of event-branded tiles to allow attendees to select which event they are attending.
A Tile Entry Portal provides a menu of event-branded tiles to allow attendees to select which event they are attending. If you have chosen to have a Tile Entry portal, you must design and upload portal tiles for each project linked to your portal. This will be an ongoing process and will be required for every event you would like accessible via the portal.
Portals can be designed with just a simple main menu of tiles, or sub-menus for tiles/projects. Rather than opening the portal and having all event tiles, you might need to create a sub-menu to increase ease-of-use for your attendees.
Updates to tiles can be pushed immediately through the Portal Project interface.
Please note
Changes to the portal background image will require a full resubmission as this is part of the Store Listing > Background/Splash images.
How to upload a portal tile
If you have chosen to have a Tile Entry portal, you will need to design and upload portal tiles for each project linked to your portal.
Each tile will need to be uploaded and linked to the relevant project or action.
To upload a portal tile
- Navigate to Portal Design from the Navigation Menu
- Select the Design tab
- Select a screen/layer to add the tile to
- Click +
- Upload image
- Select the Type of tile
- Image: a static image on the portal e.g. organisation logo
- Go to Project: select from projects linked to the portal
- Go to Screen: select from other screens/layers created
- Enter Code: direct attendees to the ‘Enter Code’ screen from a tile
- QR Scanner: where applicable, allow attendees to scan the QR code for a specific project linked to the portal
- Back: use this button to move between screens/layers of your portal
- Coming Soon: if your project is not ready yet, link the tile to a Coming Soon message
- Choose the Opacity level (0-100)
- Where applicable, set the Top Margin. This will shift the tile from the top, up and down the screen and can be used to create consistent spacing between tiles
- Set Visibility