Submission Form Setup

Submission forms can be used to gather information from attendees. For example, session or speaker feedback, registering interest for next year’s event, voting on a poster listing etc.

This can be setup to achieve the following:

  1. Gather attendee feedback for the event, specific session or speaker
  2. Register interest in an event
  3. Voting on a topic
  4. Sponsorship opportunities
  5. Entries into a competition draw 

Submission forms are the simplest way to collect data from your attendees, removing the need to a paper form. There are multiple question types to choose from, with easy drag and drop setup. Multiple-choice responses to a question can also be configured to pull directly from a content page (e.g. Exhibitor List).

Attendee responses can be submitted anonymously, or alongside an attendee’s profile information. These responses can be viewed in the CMS or exported as a report or a CSV file for post-event reporting.


Setup Submission Forms

1) Design App Appearance

2) Upload Design Assets

3) Configure a Submission Form

4) *Optional* Add a Multiple Choice Content Link to Submission Forms

5) Link Submission Form Feature to a Main Menu Icon

6) Test