The signup form allows attendee data to be captured directly into the CMS to allow for login and access to an App that may otherwise be locked to the public. The signup form is available through the event app in the CMS and is only accessible through the event app.
You can only have 1 signup form per project.
The app can be configured to incorporate signup as a login method, allowing users to download your event app and register before having access to the app.
Please note
When the in-app signup form is enabled, the login option will always remain visible. This will allow attendees to log back into the event app if they happen to log out, or need to login on another device
The in-app signup form is perfect for smaller events, as it is a very simple way for attendees to access the event app. For larger events, it is a great way to gather attendee information and encourage attendees to engage with app features such as the leaderboard etc.
One thing to remember with using the in-app signup form is that any attendee can register and access the app. If you have any sensitive information in the event app or content that is only for attendees who have purchased a ticket etc., it is recommended that you use the Profile Login option.
Please note
When using the in-app signup form, attendees will NOT be presented with the app privacy settings. These must be configured through an attendee's profile settings.
Setup In-app Signup