Prior to sending an email campaign, the template can be previewed using attendee profile data. This ensures all merge tags and data is displaying correctly in the template. Previewing the email template, also allows you to send a test.
It is recommended to proof with the profile data of several attendees and send at least one (1) to yourself to view it in your email client (e.g. Outlook, Gmail etc.)
To preview an email template:
Please note
You must have saved content in your email template prior to previewing. Click the Save icon to save any template or content changes in your template.
- Navigate to Email Campaigns > Email Templates from the Navigation Manu
- Select the relevant email template from the list
- Click the Eye icon (next to the Save icon)
- Select an attendee from the list of profiles on the left-hand side
To send a test email:
- Follow the steps above
- Click Send Preview To
- Enter the email address to send the test email to
- Click Send Email