The Entegy Registration Form Builder allows you to create customisable registration forms that can be either simple or more complex with conditional branching (e.g. showing specific questions based on a previous answer).
Before building the Registration Form, the questions and ticket requirements must be configured as profile fields. If these are not created prior, you will not be able to add questions to your form.
When first building your form, start by considering what information you want to gather from attendees. Once these fields have been configured, they can then be added to the registration form to create the basic structure of your form.
Further branching field rules can be added later. You can read more about branching rules here.
To Add a New Profile Field to the Registration Form
- Navigate to Registration > Form Setup from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the relevant form from the list, and select Form Builder from the drop-down menu
- Click + Add Item located on the bottom right-hand side of the editor
- Click on each field you would like to add
The main types of Profile Fields and Items that can be added to your registration forms include:
- Text Fields
- Multiple Choice Fields
- Confirm Email Address
- Body Copy Section
- Session Registration
- Terms & Conditions
- Profile Password
Click ‘Publish’ and the Publish to either Staging or Live form to reflect changes made on the actual form.
Text Fields
Text fields are text-based questions that are created. This can include fixed fields such as First and Last Name, Organisation, or a custom text field like Address or Zip Code.
Once a text field has been added to the registration form, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the question. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Field Hint: Displayed underneath the label to provide additional information or instructions
- Placeholder Text: Displayed in the input field before the users enter their own values
- Required: Tick the box to force attendees to answer this question
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
- Default: What is the default response for this question? - input text
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
- When a Forced Default Value is enabled, the question will be hidden on the form attendees complete, but the default response input for this question will be assigned to all registering attendees
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
Multiple Choice Fields
Multiple Choice fields are fields with a number of selections to choose from. This can include fixed fields such as Profile Type (Ticket Type), or a custom text field like Country, Attendance at a Gala Dinner or Age Bracket.
Once a multiple-choice field has been added to the registration form, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the question. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Field Hint: Displayed underneath the label to provide additional information or instructions
- Placeholder Text: Displayed in the input field before the users enter their own values
- Required: Tick the box to force attendees to answer this question
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
- Default: What is the default option for this question - Dropdown selection
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
- When a Forced Default Value is enabled, the question will be hidden on the form attendees complete, but the default response selected for this question will be assigned to all registering attendees
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
- Available Options
- For the multiple-choice field, you can filter on what field values to include/exclude
- Select which to either include or exclude by checking the boxes next to the options
- An example of when to use this would be a standard registration form where you might not want the general public to be able to select "Staff" as a ticket type, so this profile type would be excluded from the list.
Confirm Email Address Field
The Confirm Email Address field is a text field that requires attendees to re-enter their email address to ensure it is correct. This field will automatically check to see if the email address input initially matches what is input for Confirm Email Address.
- Field Name: The name of the question. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Field Hint: Displayed underneath the label to provide additional information or instructions
- Placeholder Text: Displayed in the input field before the users enter their own values
- Required: Tick the box to force attendees to answer this question
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
- Default: What is the default response for this question? - input text
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
- When a Forced Default Value is enabled, the question will be hidden on the form attendees complete, but the default response input for this question will be assigned to all registering attendees
- Force Default Value: Is this value forced for all registration?
To Add a New Field to the Registration Form
- Navigate to Registration > Form Setup from the Navigation Menu
- Navigate to the relevant form from the list, and select Form Builder from the drop-down menu
- Click + Add Item located on the bottom right-hand side of the editor
- Click on each field you would like to add
Click ‘Publish’ and the Publish to either Staging or Live form to reflect changes made on the actual form.
Body Copy Section
The Body Copy Section allows you to input headings, further explanatory text or other relevant information into the form itself. This field will also allow you to input HTML if you need to include other information such as links to videos, websites etc.
To add a Body Copy Section to the form, choose Body Copy Section from the field options. Once added, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the field in the back end. This will not change the name of the field.
- Copy Text: The main part of your body copy. This can include a heading, descriptive text etc. This field can support HTML.
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
Session Registration
Session Registration allows you to input sessions from your existing schedule directly into your registration form. Attendees can then select which session they would like to attend per timeslot and the organiser can set a limit for how many attendees can register for a single session.
Before adding sessions to the session registration, you must create a schedule content page and subsequent sessions.
Please note
This setup is best suited to breakout or concurrent sessions as attendees can only select one (1) session per question. For example, the Morning Breakout has 4 sessions - an attendee can only choose to attend 1 of these 4 sessions.
To add Session Registration to the form, choose Session Registration Group from the field options. Once added, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the question. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
- Session Title - Select your session from the drop-down list. This list will pull directly from your Schedule found under Content
- Display Name - Rename the session if required
- Capacity
- Input the total number of attendees allowed to register for this session
- Once the session cap has been reached, attendees will no longer be able to register for this session
- Input -1 to have an unlimited number
Please note
There are some setup considerations to keep in mind when using Session Registration on your registration forms:
- Attendees can only select one (1) session from a drop-down list
- The schedule page must be created before the form is configured
- Information collected from this question is not saved against the profile for easy profile export
- Information collected from this question cannot be input into an email to remind attendees which session they have registered for
- Cannot assign a payment value to a session (e.g. Workshop 1 costs $100, but all other workshops are included in the base ticket price). If you are wanting to use this method, you will need to utilise multiple choice profile fields with pricing
- Can be used to create personalised schedules by 'Show by Profile'
- An attendance list for session registrants can be viewed when 'Show by Profile' is enabled (Session > Profiles tab via copy and paste into a spreadsheet)
Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions allow the organiser to input your event-specific terms that registrants must agree to in order to proceed with their registration. This can include plain text that must be read, a link to a PDF document, a link out to a website etc., followed by a checkbox indicating that the registrant agrees to these terms.
To add Terms and Conditions to the form, choose Terms and Conditions from the field options. Once added, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the field in the back end. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Terms & Conditions Text: The main part of your Terms and Conditions. This field supports HTML.
- Checkbox Label: The text next to the checkbox indicating that the registrant agrees to the terms
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee
Profile Password
The Profile Password field allows your attendees to create their own unique password for the event app when registering for the event.
When adding this field, it will create two (2) fields on the form. One for Password, and another for Confirm Password. Each of these will need to be configured individually.
Please note
An attendee's password created as part of their registration is not stored by Entegy, and cannot be emailed to this attendee, even as part of their registration summary. Remembering this password is the responsibility of the attendee.
To add Profile Password to the form, choose Profile Password from the field options. Once added, click Edit to bring up the following configuration options:
- Field Name: The name of the question. This will not change the name of the field.
- Field Label: The label for the Item displayed on the form. If blank, the "Name" will be shown
- Field Hint: Displayed underneath the label to provide additional information or instructions
- Placeholder Text: Displayed in the input field before the users enter their own values
- Required: Tick the box to force attendees to answer this question
- Include For: Which registrations will this question be presented to:
- All Registrations: All attendees registering via the form
- Primary Registrations: Only the first attendee registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction
- Additional Registrations Only: All subsequent attendees registering when purchasing multiple tickets in a single transaction (not the first attendee), added by clicking + Add Another Attendee