Create and Link Rooms

How to create rooms

Rooms can be created to link to sessions in your schedule. These can make attendee navigation easier around the venue.

To create floor plans

A floor plans content page type will need to be created as this acts as a container page for multiple floor plans.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Click Create a New Page from the right hand options on the Configuration Panel
  3. Select Floor Plans from the list of page types
  4. Click Create
  5. Enter a Title for your Floor plans content page type (your floor plans container page)
  6. Click Save

Add floor plans to container page

  1. Click +
  2. Enter a Title (i.e Level 1)
  3. Click Save

To add rooms

Rooms can be created to display on the schedule. When linked, the room title will be visible in the schedule session listing and session page.

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your floor plans content page type
  3. Select the floor plan from the list
  4. Click Add a Room
  5. Enter a Title
  6. Click Save


How to link rooms to a session

Rooms can be linked to a session so they appear in the schedule session listing.

To link a room

  1. Navigate to Content from the Navigation Menu
  2. Select your schedule from the list of pages
  3. Select the applicable schedule day from the horizontal tiles
  4. Select pencil icon for the session you wish to update
  5. Navigate to the Room drop-down
  6. Select a room from the list
  7. Click Save