CMS Pt.1: Connecting Store Accounts to the Entegy CMS


Connecting Store Accounts to the Entegy CMS

Once your client's Store Accounts have been created for the Apple and Google Play Stores, and team invites sent to Entegy, you will need to link these accounts to the Entegy CMS. These will create a single Store Account for your standalone app or portal. 

Store Accounts connected to the Core are necessary for compiling and submitting new app submissions to the Entegy build team.

Required Store Account and Account Holder Details

Please note

You will only need to complete this process once for each respective Store Account.

Store Display Name will distinguish your Store Account from others linked to the CMS. This name is set when the Store Account is initially linked to the CMS. This name cannot be changed at any point after this. It is advised that you set this account according to either your ASIC or DUNS profiles. Ensure the Store Display Name matches the Team Name used for the Apple App Store team invites.

Contact Name, Email and Phone are to be associated with the Account Holder who registered the Store Account(s). Alongside the distributor, the contact you nominate will receive all relevant status correspondences from Entegy regarding their respective Store Accounts and Store Listings.

Bundle Prefix will act as a unique identifier for your Store Account and App. It is recommended that you use the unique component of your organisation's website. E.g. for we would use "pollen8conference". 

To link a Store Account to the Entegy CMS

  1. Navigate to Organisation in the left Navigation Bar
  2. Select Store Accounts
  3. Click the icon located under the Available Accounts tab
  4. Input all Store Account and Account Holder Details
  5. Select the desired Submission Option (see here for more information)
  6. Input a unique Bundle Prefix (this will be the unique identifier for this app in the CMS and stores)
  7. Accept the terms and conditions
  8. Click Save


Next steps: CMS Pt.2: Preparing an app for submission

Next Steps