Email Template Merge Tags

Merge tags can be added to an email template to dynamically personalised attendee information in the email. These can be used to send personal login information to attendees, Capture login details to exhibitors, or simply share a link to download the event app.

Below is a list of the accepted merge tags within the Email Campaigns templates. 

{FULLNAME}: The full name of the attendee including First Name and Last Name (e.g. John Smith).

{FULLNAMETITLE}: The full name of the attendee including Title, First Name and Last Name (e.g. Mr John Smith).

{TITLE}: An attendee’s Title (e.g. Mr).

{FIRSTNAME}: An attendee’s First Name (e.g. John). 

{LASTNAME}: An attendee’s Last Name (e.g. Smith).

{EMAIL}: An attendee’s email address (e.g.

{ORGANISATION}: An attendee’s organisation (e.g. Entegy)

{POSITION}: An attendee’s position (e.g. Designer)

{ORGPOS}: An attendee’s organisation and position (e.g. Designer Entegy)

{CONTACTNUMBER}: An attendee’s contact number (e.g. 1300 555 555)

{EXTREF}: An attendee’s’ External Reference (A unique string of characters (not limited to numbers) that are populated by an event organiser when profiles are imported. These may include Membership ID, registration number, ticket number etc). (e.g. 1234567)

{CREATED}: The date and time an attendee’s profile was created in the Entegy CMS.

{UPDATED}: The date and time an attendee’s profile was last updated in the Entegy CMS.

{BADGEREF}: An attendee’s badge reference (A unique string of characters (not limited to numbers) that are either generated by the CMS or each attendee or populated by an event organiser when profiles are imported.)

{BADGEQRURL}: A URL link to the attendee’s QR code.

{AUTH-LINEONE-NAME}: The authentication option name selected for line one (e.g. Username)  

{AUTH-LINEONE-VALUE}: The authentication option value selected for line one (e.g. John.Smith1234)  

{AUTH-LINETWO-NAME}: The authentication option name selected for line one (e.g. Password)  

{AUTH-LINETWO-VALUE}: The authentication option value selected for line one (e.g. 9e2h31u) 

{INVOICE-ID}: Plain text containing the Invoice ID number

{INVOICE-DESCRIPTION}: 3 columns - Headings used are: Description, Value and Cost

{INVOICE-COSTSUMMARY}: 2 columns, right justified - Contains all costs itemised, and the total is in bold text

{INVOICE-TOTALCOST}: Plain text with the dollar amount (with appropriate currency symbol)

{DATE}: Today’s date (e.g/ 01/01/2020).

{PROJECT-ACCESSCODE}: Event Code used to access the app through a portal (e.g. Pollen8)

{PROJECT-NAME}: The name given to the project (e.g. Pollen8 Official) 

{PROJECT-SHORTNAME}: The short name given to the project (e.g.pollen8)

{DOWNLOADLINK}: The URL to the download page. 

{DOWNLOADLINK-URL}: Adds 'Download the App here' which links to the download page.

{APPSTORENAME}: The Android Store Name of the app build

{APPLINKANDROID}: Adds the Google Play download link for the Android version of the App build.

{APPLINKIOS}: Adds the Apple Store download link for the iOS version of the App build.

{CAPTURESTORENAME}: The Android Store name of the capture build

{CAPTURELINKANDROID}: Adds the Google Play download link for the Android version of the Capture build.

{CAPTURELINKIOS}: Adds the Apple Store download link for the iOS version of the Capture build