Live Discussion - Facilitator Guide

Live Discussion can be used to create a social feed specific to a session. These comments appear in the event App in a discussion feed specifically for that session.

Please note

Attendees must be logged in to use this feature.

Comments from a discussion feed can be pushed to the Audience Display Screen and bookmarked for special action. Bookmarked comments can be sent to a speaker, the display screen, or turned into Audience Polling questions for the audience.

Speakers/moderators can also post to the Live Discussion feed. Posting as the ‘Moderator’, they can pose questions to the audience, and responses/comments can be added to the display queue to show on the display screen.

Please note

Comments posted to the Discussion Feed are public and cannot be deleted or removed from the feed.


This guide includes the following instructions:


Enable Live Discussion

The Live Discussion feature will need to be enabled before attendees are able to participate in the discussion feed. 

Note: Attendees must be logged in to access this feature.

To enable Live Discussion

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel
  2. Select the event
  3. Click Facilitator for the relevant session
  4. Navigate to Live Discussion from the top menu
  5. Toggle to Enabled


Post as a Moderator on the Live Discussion feed

To help spark ideas and moderate the Live Discussion feed, anyone with Facilitator Panel access can post to the feed as a ‘Moderator’. This feature can be used to post questions or reply to attendee’s questions or comments.

Please note

This feature is only available to those with Facilitator Panel access. This is NOT an in-app feature.

To post as a Moderator on the Live Discussion feed

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel
  2. Select the event
  3. Click Facilitator for the relevant session
  4. Navigate to Live Discussion from the top menu
  5. Click Post as Moderator from the menu options
  6. Input the post copy
  7. Click Post


Bookmark a comment on the Live Discussion feed

Bookmarks can be used to separate comments on the Live Discussion feed that might be used later to display on the Display Screen or to address at a later point in time. 


Bookmarks are only visible in the Facilitator Panel, and cannot be viewed in the App.

To bookmark a comment on the Live Discussion feed

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel
  2. Select the event
  3. Click Facilitator for the relevant session
  4. Navigate to Live Discussion from the top menu
  5. Navigate to the comment you wish you bookmark and click the bookmark icon on the right-hand side

To view bookmarked comments on the Live Discussion feed

  1. Navigate to the menu options
  2. Click Bookmarked


Display a Live Discussion comment to the Display Screen

Rather than keeping the Live Discussion comments and questions only in-app, these can also be sent to the Display Screen to be shared with all attendees. This feature allows a speaker to address an interesting question or topic brought up by a comment on the Live Discussion feed.

To display discussion comments on the Display Screen

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel
  2. Select the event
  3. Click Facilitator for the relevant session
  4. Navigate to Live Discussion from the top menu
  5. Click on the comment you wish to display
    1. Select Send to Screen as Display Only to display the question. 
    2. Select Add to Display Queue to add the question to the queue. This will add the comment to the end of the Display Queue and will be visible on the Display Screen when cycling through the Display Queue.


Create an Audience Polling Question from a Live Discussion comment

Comments made on the Live Discussion feed can be turned into an Audience Polling question and addressed to fellow attendees.

To create an Audience Polling Question from a Live Discussion comment

  1. Navigate to the Control Panel
  2. Select the event
  3. Click Facilitator for the relevant session
  4. Navigate to Live Discussion from the top menu
  5. Click the Live Discussion comment you wish to turn into an Audience Polling question
  6. Select Create an Audience Polling Question from this Comment from the list
  7. Update the question and select style of answers
  8. Click Create Question
  9. Click Yes to ask this question

To ask Audience Polling question created from a Live Discussion comment

  1. Click Start Voting
  2. When ready to close the question, click Stop Voting and Show Answer or Close and Remove


Asking an Audience Polling question created from a Live Discussion comment will not be part of the Audience Polling Display Queue. If you wish to return to the Display Queue at any time, please navigate to Select from All Questions and select the next question in your existing Display Queue.